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•   Jill Wonnacott (Dunford)  10/6
•   Sarah Jean Mansfield (Hoggan)  9/4
•   Steve Spencer  9/4
•   Steve Smith  9/1
•   Doug Richards  8/29
•   Drew Cannon  8/26
•   Tammie Ogura (Kuramoto)  8/24
•   Ronda Wanberg (Hilton)  8/16
•   Ted Woolley  8/12
•   Guy Thomas  8/12
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•   Carl Dalton  10/25
•   Nancy Klc (Dawes)  10/27
•   Sarah Jean Mansfield (Hoggan)  10/27
•   Craig Johns  10/30
•   Stan Kener  11/1
•   Peggy Anderson (Swenson)  11/6
•   Kae Morrell (Smith)  11/8
•   Francy Bury (Williams)  11/10
•   Rick Sorensen  11/10
•   Bryan Eldredge  11/11
•   Clifford Worsley  11/11
•   Sue Morse (Wawrinofsky)  11/13
•   Greg Burns  11/14
•   Louise Cannon  11/14
•   Irene Larson (Bole)  11/15
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
9 live in Arizona
22 live in California
5 live in Colorado
4 live in Florida
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
1 lives in Kentucky
2 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Missouri
14 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
6 live in Oregon
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
181 live in Utah
3 live in Virginia
12 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
4 live in Wyoming
1 lives in Mexico
253 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Welcome Salt Lake City East High Leopards Class of 1965 💘 Planning for the 60 Year High School Reunion is underway. The reunion less than a year away. Steven Allred is chair again for this reunion. The date is set for Saturday August 23, 2025 in the afternoon. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. 

If you haven't visited the website in a while or need a "refresher, select "First Time Visitors" at the top of the left column. This gives a simple explanation of how to enter or update personal information and download pictures onto your profile. To leave a message for a classmate, go to the person's profile by finding them under "Classmate Profiles". You can "POST A COMMENT" on their  profile or "sent a private message" using the link just below their profile picture. You can also reply to other Comments found on the profile.

Deceased Classmates (See "In Memory for Details)

Deceased in 2024 - Ken Jarvis, Dave Ellefsen

Deceased in 2023 - Tom McKay, Monte Hancock, Steve Keller, Dave Ipsen and Jill Roner White.   

Deceased in 2022 - Jim Brinton, Bruce Washburn, Sue Knight (Bennett), Maria Nicolatus (Pappasideris), Kent Hales, Mike Wright, Karen Batemen (Cook) and Patrick Reese. 

Deceased in 2021 - Trudi Richards Rose, Larry Stevens, Roger Hicks, Jill Gibson Serfustini, Ann Modine Dillenbeck, Kent Vest, and Connie Rohner.

Deceased in 2020 - Tod Johnson, Jodee Monsen Kennedy, Steve Summerhays, and Diane Kirkham Miller.  We miss them.  Dick Milne, teacher and varsity basketball coach, and Joseph Erickson, history teacher, also passed away in 2020.

Other Information

This is our personal website and we want EVERYONE from our class to fill in or update their profiles and share as much info as they dare, including PICTURES!!!!  

Continue encouraging all our classmates to log in and make use of this website by searching: "EASTHIGHLEOPARDS65.COM."  We will keep this going as long as we have classmates using it.
Any corrections can easily be made if you "contact us".

The "message forum" is an open class-wide way for each of us to make comments or express concerns in an ongoing "thread" that can be followed or ignored. Just another way to communicate.

Finally, if you want to make personal contact or reach out "intimately" with a classmate, you can send a "private" email by clicking under their picture. If they email you back, you then have each other's information and carry on without the website. Just let us know if things get "exciting." After all, at our age, it doesn't take much!